
Convert Data to Cash

We help you make money from your data and digital assets on a no-risk, revenue share basis - we make money when you do

At Ambervine, we form partnerships with brands and digital asset holders to help them monetise their data without risk compliant with GDPR and other laws.

We work with partners who have extensive consumer data insight and digital assets (such as databases and domain names) to help them generate incremental, cash-generating revenues to support the profitability and efficiency of their business.

Our founder Ashley Kenerson has extensive experience as former Head of Data at Digitas LBI, part of Publicis Groupe with particular experience in multi-source data synthesization and monetisation.

We typically work on a no-risk, revenue-share basis where we introduce you in return for a share of the revenue generated. This may include AI software companies who want access to your annonymized data for AI training purposes - or it may be technology and commercial partners who can monetise your domain names and traffic in other ways.

Please contact us today to learn more.

Monetise Today

We help you make money from your data and digital assets on a no-risk, revenue share basis - we make money when you do - contact us today to learn more

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